Disaster Resources Available through the California Nevada Hawaii District
(Adapted from "Mercy in Action: Preparing Congregations for Disaster Response", an LCMS Disaster Response Training Manual.)
When The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Disaster Response works with each LCMS district in disaster preparedness and response, resources can be directed from across The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod to the places where they are most needed. This collaboration provides for reliable information-sharing and helps to build capacity between organizations, providing a more comprehensive response to disasters across the board. By intentionally working together, the needs of the professional church workers, congregations and communities can be met effectively and efficiently.
As a result, LCMS districts can be in closer contact with one another, with their congregations, as well as those in other districts who have specific needs. Through LCMS Disaster Response, LCMS districts are quickly informed of where the latest disaster is and what help is needed in that place. This enables LCMS Disaster Response to have closer ties with each LCMS district, allowing for faster response in times of disaster.
For a LCMS district to tackle disaster preparedness and response alone would require a great deal of time, effort and money. LCMS Disaster Response provides District Disaster Response Coordinators (DDRC) and District Disaster Response Teams(DDRT) with essential training in preparedness and response.
The DDRC for the CNH District is the Rev. Philip W. Zabell, KI6SMN.
The CNH DDRT is comprised of:
The Circuit Counselors of the District's 20 circuits.
Northern Region (Circuits 4, 12, 13, 14 and 19)
Lenus de Reus
Charles Porter, N6JOA
Pam Porter, N6OLO
PO Box: 73561
DAVIS, CA 95617
The Rev John Herrmann
7773 GREENRIDGE WAY (916)965-1192
FAIR OAKS, CA 95628 johnh123@gmail.com
Hawaii Region (Circuit 11)
The Rev. Mitch Gowan (Oahu)
98-325 KOAUKA ST
AIEA, HI 96701 misc@oursaviorhawaii.com
The Rev. Milt Fricke (Maui)
Janet Snyder (Big Island)
Pacific Region (Circuits, 1,2, 6, 8, 17 and 18)
Lois Peacock, RN
Nevada Region (Circuits 10 and 20)
Southern Region (Circuits 7, 3, 5, 9, 15 and 16)
The Rev Rick Rice, W6REV
SANTA CRUZ, CA 95062 revrrice@aol.com