Facilitates and oversees the assessment of district, circuit or congregational needs; provides appropriate relief and response; and assists in the development and
implementation of a comprehensive and coordinated recovery plan.
Facilitates and oversees the evaluation and fulfillment of unmet needs of the district, circuit or congregation following a disaster.
Maintains clear, concise communications with LCMS Disaster Response regarding situation reports, relief and recovery efforts, and unmet needs.
Provides ongoing training, orientation and monitoring of DDRT members,providing direction and assuring their safety at disaster sites.
Keeps detailed records of each response, demonstrating the action and activity of the district, circuit, and congregation, and provides a final report to the LCMS
district president, district board of directors and LCMS Disaster Response.
Communicates in a timely fashion with districts, congregations, pastors, donors and LCMS Disaster Response regarding the progress of relief and recovery efforts.
Works with the grant application process and accountability requirementsfor grants requested or received from LCMS Disaster Response and understands the
importance of fiscal responsibility to donors.